суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


He also recorded a few instrumental tunes which found their way to www. If the sea beach is not possible, we can all at least try for the other two things. Saturday 21 September Sunday 14 April The only way to listen to this music is to have a strong single malt whisky like Glenlivet or Black Label no, no Jack Daniels, no bourbon on the rocks in one hand near the sea beach and to be sitting in a rocking chair peacefully. blackstratblues nights in shining karma

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Sunday 14 July I must say this album starts to hit right from the very first track. Wednesday 19 June Friday 20 September Wednesday 11 September Friday 12 April He also recorded a few instrumental tunes which found their way to… read more.

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Thursday 12 September Saturday 14 September Monday 1 April He also recorded a f… read more. Keep the flame burning bright through the night.

blackstratblues nights in shining karma

Blackstratblues is a mainly instrumental project by Warren Mendonsa. Sunday 25 August Saturday 22 June Thursday 22 August Connect your Spotify account to your Last.

blackstratblues nights in shining karma

You are commenting using your Twitter account. Sunday 28 April Wednesday 22 May Friday 7 June Monday 16 September Thursday 26 September The Web site also features a section where people who like the album can donate money, although the inconvenience of not having a Paypal account might prevent some from contributing.

Saturday 27 April blackstrxtblues Thursday 18 July Saturday 20 July Wednesday 14 August Monday 26 August Sunday 1 September The album is up for free download too, so you can jump there directly and get the whole thing, after you are done with this. Niights was mentioned by my colleague already sometime ago, Blackstratblues is Warren Mendonsa, former axeman for the pioneers of Indian Alternative Rock, Zero, who remain to this day a staple for most rock bands at small concerts around the country I say small because rock concerts are always almost small in India.

blackstratblues nights in shining karma

Tuesday 11 June Blackstratblues 5, listeners Related Tags blues indian rock instrumental rock Blackstratblues is a mainly instrumental project by Warren Mendonsa. Monday 1 July

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